Hearings Officer: Z0033-24 - July 25, 2024

This hearing is for the appeal of a decision made by the County Planning and Zoning Division. 

Appellant/applicant: John Rodrigues

Property Owner: The Property Trust

Proposal: The applicant requested approval of a temporary forest labor camp to remove debris and slash from previous timber operation, harvest forest products such as mushrooms, and replant

Planning Director’s Initial Decision: Denial

Applicable Zoning and Development Ordinance and Comprehensive Plan Criteria: 202, 406, 1307.
These criteria may be viewed online

Site Address and/or Location: Located on the north side of Highway 26 approximately 500 feet east of the intersection with SE McCabe Rd.

Assessor’s Map: T02S, R05E, Section 27B, Tax Lot(s) 600 & 700, W.M.

Property Size: Approximately 30 acres

Zoning: TBR